The Arthashastra is a primaeval Indian discourse on statecraft, economic policy, and military strategy . Hence, Statement 1 is correct.
It is written in Sanskrit . Hence, Statement 2 is incorrect.
This treatise is divided into sixteen covering topics concerned with the running of a state, taxation, law, diplomacy, military strategy, economics, bureaucracy, statecraft, politics, strategy, selection, and training of employees, leadership skills, legal systems, accounting systems, taxation, fiscal policies, civil rules, internal and foreign trade, etc.
The emphasis is on the uniformity of law throughout the empire .
Kautilya's Arthasashtra was composed between the 3 rd to 2 nd Century B.C.
It is mainly a work on the art of government.
In his view, for the smooth functioning of administration and for the welfare of the people, the king had to be acquainted with the four Vedas and four sciences of government ( Anvikashaki, Trai, Varta, andDandniti ). Hence, Statement 3 is incorrect.
Kautilya's administrative and judicial structure was hierarchical in nature .
He emphasized the principle of equity.
He believed that law was an imperial command enforced by sanctions .
He was both a thinker and statesman .
He contributed to the formulation of some general principles capable of universal application and effective in all times and ages.
Arthsashtra sets the conceptual groundwork for making India the first welfare state.