Xavier Aptitude Test 2017 Solved Paper

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Analyse the passage below and answer the questions 18-20 that follow:
Some psychologists and sociologists believe that psych- opathy can be an asset in business and politics and that, as a result, psychopathic traits are overrepresented among successful people. This would be a puzzle if it were so. If our moral feelings evolved through natural selection, then it shouldn’t be the case that one would flourish without them. And, in fact, the successful psychopath is probably the exception. Psychopaths have certain deficits. Some of these are subtle. The psychologist Abigail Marsh and her colleagues find that psychopaths are markedly insensitive to the expression of fear. Normal people recognize fear and treat it as a distress cue, but psychopaths have problems seeing it, let alone responding to it appropriately. Other defi- cits run deeper. The overall lack of moral sentiments—and specifically, the lack of regard for others—might turn out to be the psychopath’s downfall. We non- psychopaths are constantly assessing one another, looking for kindness and shame and the like, using this information to decide whom to trust, whom to affiliate with. The psychopath has to pre- tend to be one of us. But this is difficult. It’s hard to force yourself to comply with moral rules just through a rational appreciation of what you arc expected to do. If you feel like strangling the cat, it’s a struggle to hold back just because you know that it is frowned upon. Without a normal allot- ment of shame and guilt, psychopaths succumb to bad im- pulses, doing terrible things out of malice, greed, and simple boredom. And sooner or later, they get caught. While psy- chopaths can be successful in the short term, they tend to fail in the long term and often end up in prison or worse. Let’s take a closer look at what separates psychopaths from the rest of us. There are many symptoms of psychopathy, including pathological lying and lack of remorse or guilt, but the core deficit is indifference toward the suffering of other people. Psychopaths lack compassion. To understand how compassion works for all of us non-psychopaths, it’s important to distinguish it from empathy. Now, some con- temporary researchers use the terms interchangeably, but there is a big difference between caring about a person (com- passion) and putting yourself in the person’s shoes (empa- thy).
I am too much of an adaptationist to think that a capacity as rich as empathy exists as a freak biological accident. It most likely has a function, and the most plausible candidate here is that it motivates us to care about others. Empathy exists to motivate compassion and altruism. Still, the link between empathy (in the sense of mirroring another’s feelings) and compassion (in the sense of feeling and acting kindly to- ward another) is more nuanced than many people believe. First, although empathy can be automatic and uncon- scious—a crying person can affect your mood, even if you’re not aware that this is happening and would rather it didn’t— we often choose whether to empathize with another person. So when empathy is present, it may be the product of a moral choice, not the cause of it. Empathy is also influenced by what one thinks of the other person. Second, empathy is not needed to motivate compassion. As the psychologist Steven Pinker points out, “If a child has been frightened by a barking dog and is howling in terror, my sympathetic re- sponse is not to howl in terror with her, but to comfort and protect her.” Third, just as you can have compassion with- out empathy, you can have empathy without compassion. You might feel the person’s pain and wish to stop feeling it—but choose to solve the problem by distancing yourself from that person instead of alleviating his or her suffering. Even otherwise good people sometimes turn away when faced with depictions of pain and suffering in faraway lands, or when passing a homeless person on a city street.
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Question : 18
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