Xavier Aptitude Test 2021 Solved Paper

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Instructions [12 - 14 ]
Read the following scenario and answer the three questions that follow.

A company awards incentives to its employees for successful project performances. It rates successful project performance in categories A*, A, B, and C. Employees, in solo projects rated A*, A, B, and C, are awarded incentives ₹6 lakh, ₹5 lakh, ₹3 lakh, and ₹1 lakh respectively. When a project has multiple team members, the following scheme is used to award the incentives:
 No. of team-members  Team Lead gets  Other members get
 1  100%  
 2  90%  70%
 3  80%  50% each
 4  70%  40% each
 More than 4  Every member gets (200/n) %, where n = number of team members

For example, for a project rated A, with three members, the team lead gets ₹4 lakh, and the other team members get ₹2.5 lakh each. A project always has a single team lead.
Six employees: Altaf, Bose, Chakrabarthi, Dipa, Ernie, and Fatima receive a total of ₹45 lakh in incentives by participating in a total of eight different projects that does not involve any other person. Not all six employees are involved in all eight projects.
The following are additionally known about these eight projects:
1. One project involves all six employees. Four projects involve three each, and the rest, two each.
2. Exactly three projects are rated C, for which a total of ₹4.8 lakh is paid.
3. Only one project is rated A*.
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Question : 12
Total: 100
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