CBSE 2018 Class 12 Economics Re-Exam

Question : 6
Total: 15
Distinguish between stock and flow variables with suitable examples.
Difference between stock and flow variables is:
 Stock  Flow
 (i) Stock relates to a point of time, e.g. your saving as on January 1,2014 are 10,000.  Flow relates to the period of time, e.g. your pocket expenses of 20 per day.
 (ii) Stock is not time- dimensional.  Flow is time-dimensional as per hour, per month, per year.
 (iii) Stock influences the flow, greater the stock of capital, greater is the flow of goods and services.  Flow influences the stock. For example, monthly increase in the supply of money leads to an increase in the quantity of money.
 (iv)Example - Popultion of a country, Bank deposit etc.  Expenditure of money, interest on capital etc.
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