CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2014 Outside Delhi Set 1 Paper

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Huma is working in a company on a permanent basis. As per the job agreement she had to work for 8 hours a day and was free to work overtime. Huma worked overtime, due to which she fell ill and had to take leave from her work. No one showed concern and enquired about her health. She realized that she was fulfilling only some of her needs while some other needs still remained to be fulfilled.
Question : 14
Total: 37
Also explain two other needs of Huma followed by the above needs, which still remained to be satisfied.
The two needs that still remain to be satisfied are "belongingness/affiliation needs and esteem needs". Belongingness needs comprise of the social needs of an individual such as affection, acceptance, companionship, etc. This is because every individual desires for social acceptance and belongingness. On the other hand, esteem needs include elements like respect, dignity, recognition, etc. This is because every individual wants respect and acknowledgement in the same group. Even when Huma falls sick and takes leave, nobody shows concern towards her thus we can say that these two needs are not fulfilled by the organisation.
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