CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2014 Outside Delhi Set 1 Paper

Question : 15
Total: 37
Explain any three functions performed by a supervisor that are vital to any organisation.
A supervisor refers to a person who directly oversees the activities of the workers. In the organisational hierarchy he lies immediately above the worker. A supervisor performs the following functions:
(i) He she is in direct contact with the workers and thereby, guides and supports the workers. He also helps in maintaining agreement and unity among the workers in the organisation.
(ii) He she acts as a link between the manager and the workers. Through the supervisor, the management communicates the ideas and policies to the workers. On the other hand, the workers are also able to communicate their problems and grievances to the management through the supervisor.
(iii) Supervisor ensures that the workers are working efficiently and effectively as per the set targets to achieve the overall goals and objective in the organisation.
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