CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2023 Delhi set 3

Question : 6
Total: 13
'Due to rapid technological changes jobs have become more complex and importance of training has increased for employees.' State any four such benefits.
Benefits of Training to Employees:
(i) Better career: With improved skills and better knowledge, the workers become more learned and they can go for improved roles. For example, a marketing executive can take the training of new and upcoming trends in the market such as digital marketing and thus will become better skills. This helps them to improve their career.
(ii) Better earning: Any trained employee is way better than an untrained employee. When there will be a selection between the two, the trained employee will be selected and due to his better skills and knowledge, he or she will be paid more.
(iii) More efficiency: Training and development is the process of providing learning to the employees for various areas so that they have better knowledge. This better knowledge of things helps them to be more efficient and more effective.
(iv) Reduction in learning time: There are two ways to learn, first is trial and error, and second is training and development. When any person learns through trial and error, he or she takes more time than the one learning through training and development. 'Training and development' is better because it provides the right kind of learning which is doubtful in the case of trial and error.
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