CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2023 Delhi set 3

Question : 7
Total: 13
Give the meaning of 'Formal Communication' and 'Informal Communication'.
Formal Communication: It is a type of communication that takes place within the formal structure of an organisation, such as between managers and employees, or between departments. It follows a prescribed structure and is used to convey official information and instructions, often related to the work of the organisation.
Formal communication may take various forms, such a written memos, reports, letters, and e-mails, or oral presentations, meetings, and conference. It is usually highly structured and follows established protocols and procedures.
Informal Communication: Informal communication refers to unofficial communication occurring between different people across different groups and departments. The exchange of informal messages usually occurs during special occasions like social occasions, parties, etc. Informal communication is similar to casual conversations or bantering between two or more individuals who may be friends or club members or have similarities in places of residing or origins, etc.
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