CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 2023 Delhi set 3

Question : 8
Total: 13
State any four organisational barriers of communication.
Organisational Barriers of Communication:
These barriers are related to the organisational structure, such as the policy or hierarchy, etc.
Organisational Policy: When organisational policy does not support the free flow of communication then it does not lead to effective communication. There should be several channels of communication so that effective, safe, fast, and correct messages can be conveyed. If a organisation only follows a single network of communication then it does not help in proper communication.
Rules and Regulations: Organisations unknowingly make rules which are rigid and procedures that are cumbersome will make the channel of communication less attractive and lead to delays in the transfer of information which may hamper the effectiveness of organisational work and administration.
Status: Because of the status of some people, we restrict ourselves from conveying the message. When a superior is not friendly enough that the subordinates are scared to communicate their ideas and thoughts then it leads to hampered communication.
Complexity in Organisational Structure: Organisational structure is composed of the hierarchical managerial levels that are set up by an organisation that has its own benefits but when the organisational structure is complex then the flow of information takes time and the message may be distorted in between.
Organisational Facilities: Organisational facilities play an important role in smooth communication. When there are frequent social gatherings then it builds friendly relationships in an organisation and builds trust. Some other facilities are also important such as a suggestion box, complaint box, transparency in operations, etc.
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