CBSE Class 12 Chemistry 2014 Delhi Set 3 Solved Paper

Question : 4
Total: 11
Name the products of hydrolysis of sucrose.
Hydrolysis is the reaction of water with another compound to form two or multiple products. Water molecules felicitate the breaking of the other compound or reactant. It might be acid or base catalysed.
The hydrolysis of sucrose leads to the formation of glucose and fructose. It should be noted that sucrose is a non-reducing sugar as it does not contain free aldehyde or keto group. The typical table sugar we use on a regular basis is called sucrose. It is a disaccharide, meaning that two sugars are linked together by a glycosidic bond. [-C-O-C-] linkage is called glycosidic bond.
Glucose is an aldehyde, which forms a six-carbon ring. Contrarily, fructose is a ketone that forms a ring with five members (hence, a furan). Sucrose will therefore separate into its monomeric sugars during hydrolysis.
The enzyme to be used here is invertase.
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