Explanation: AWS allows you create an elastic network interface (ENI), attach an ENI to an EC2 instance, detach anENI from an EC2 instance and attach this ENI to another EC2 instance. The attributes of a networktraffic follow the ENI which is attached to an EC2 instance or detached from an EC2 instance. Whenyou move an ENI from one EC2 instance to another, network traffic is redirected to the new EC2instance. You can create and attach additional ENIs to an EC2 instance. Attaching multiple network interfaces (ENIs) to an EC2 instance is useful to: Create a management network. Use network and security appliances in your VPC. Create dual-homed instances with workloads/roles on distinct subnetsCreate alow-budget, high-availability solution. Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-eni.html