IBPS PO Mains 2019 Paper for online practice

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Directions (Qs. No. 41-45): Study the follow in ginformation carefully and answer the questions givenbelow:
 Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting ina row not necessarily in the same order. Some of them arefacing north while some of them are facing south. Theybuy different cars i.e. Honda, Kia, Suzuki, Tata, Hyundai,MG, BMW, Audi but not necessarily in the same order.
 The one who buy Tata sits fifth to the right of F andboth of them are facing same direction. The persons whobuy Kia and Suzuki are immediate neighbours of eachother and none of them sits at the corner. C buys Hyundaiand faces south direction. Only one person sits to the leftof F. D buys MG and sits third to the left of the one whobuy Suzuki. The immediate neighbour of C faces oppositedirections (if one faces north then other faces south or viceversa). H sits at the corner and faces north direction. G whofaces south and buy Audi sits second to the right of H. Adoes not buy Suzuki and Tata and faces north. B facesnorth direction and is not an immediate neighbour of E. Fbuys BMW. C sits second to the right of D. H is not animmediate neighbour of one who buy Tata.
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Question : 41
Total: 154
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