MH SET Exam 6 Sep 2015 Paper
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Question Numbers: 13-18
Parents have to develop the habit of thinking in terms of ‘we’, not ‘me’. Think about the whole family. Some conventional, orthodox men feel they are the heads of the families. So it’s their right to get all the advantages, privileges etc. Similarly some modern women think that ‘Gone are the days. Now we are working and earning by shoulder to shoulder to men. Hence the women should get the equal or sometimes even more advantages and privileges’. Both such types of parents do not have ‘we’ feeling. Family-oriented men and women would think of the whole family as a unit, the advantages as well as troubles of each and every individual member in the family. Thus in any interpersonal-relationship between spouses, between parents and children, and between children—the thinking should be of ‘win-win’ type. The habit formation should start from parents. Naturally the children will receive and absorb the same method of behaving. When we listen with the intent to understand others, we begin true communication and relationship building. Generally parents go on ordering, dictating, coercing the child without listening to him/her. Hence there is no two-way communication between parents and children. One-way ordering and the other-way obeying or disobeying is generally observed in the society. Even in parent child relationship, it’s better if parents first listen to children, observe their expressions, behaviour. Here they try to understand the child. Now it’s likely that their reaction would be in line with the child’s ability and expectation. In fact, parents have to remember that Success definitely deserves a hug, but Failure needs an even tighter embrace.
Parents have to develop the habit of thinking in terms of ‘we’, not ‘me’. Think about the whole family. Some conventional, orthodox men feel they are the heads of the families. So it’s their right to get all the advantages, privileges etc. Similarly some modern women think that ‘Gone are the days. Now we are working and earning by shoulder to shoulder to men. Hence the women should get the equal or sometimes even more advantages and privileges’. Both such types of parents do not have ‘we’ feeling. Family-oriented men and women would think of the whole family as a unit, the advantages as well as troubles of each and every individual member in the family. Thus in any interpersonal-relationship between spouses, between parents and children, and between children—the thinking should be of ‘win-win’ type. The habit formation should start from parents. Naturally the children will receive and absorb the same method of behaving. When we listen with the intent to understand others, we begin true communication and relationship building. Generally parents go on ordering, dictating, coercing the child without listening to him/her. Hence there is no two-way communication between parents and children. One-way ordering and the other-way obeying or disobeying is generally observed in the society. Even in parent child relationship, it’s better if parents first listen to children, observe their expressions, behaviour. Here they try to understand the child. Now it’s likely that their reaction would be in line with the child’s ability and expectation. In fact, parents have to remember that Success definitely deserves a hug, but Failure needs an even tighter embrace.
Question : 17
Total: 60
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