The charity with the greatest percent of total expenses spent on programs is represented by the highest point on the scatterplot; this is the point that has a vertical coordinate slightly less than halfway between 90 and 95 and a horizontal coordinate slightly less than halfway between 3,000 and 4,000. Thus, the charity represented by this point has a total income of about $3,400 million and spends about 92% of its total expenses on programs. The percent predicted by the line of best fit is t he vertical coordinate of the point on the line of best fit wit h horizontal coordinate $3,400 million; this vertical coordinate is very slightly more than 85. Thus, the line of best fit predicts that the charity with the greatest percent of total expenses spent on programs will spend slightly more than 85% on programs. Therefore, the difference between the actual percent (92%) and the prediction (slightly more than 85%) is slightly less than 7%.