SBI Junior Associates Model Paper 8

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Directions (Q. 41 - 55):
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words have been printed in BOLD to help you locate them while answering someof the questions.
Once upon a time, there lived a robber in village. One day, he stole a temple belland ran towards the forest. A tiger heard the jingle of the bell and become curious tolocate the sound. As soon as he saw the robber, he jumped upon him and killed him atonce. The bell fell on the ground. After a few days, a group of monkeys passedthrough that way. They spotted the bell and carried it to their home in the forest.
They found the jingle of the bell very interesting. Subsequently every one ofthem became very fond of the bell and stared playing with it. After every tiring day,the monkeys would sit on the top of a hill in the forest in the night and enjoy themelodious sound of the bell. The people of the village were afraid of the noise. Soonafterwards, the people from the village found the body of the robber and proclaimed,certainly there is an evil spirit around here that kills human beings and then rings thebell to celebrate.
When the people heard this, they thought that a demon was haunting theirvillage. Without giving any second thought, people started leaving the village interror and settling in a new place. However, there was an intelligent and bold womanin that village. She thought to herself, "I don't believe that demon is haunting thisvillage. I will find out who is ringing the bell." Late in the night, she went into theforest bravely and found that a group of monkeys was playing about and ringing thebell.
Now, as the woman knew the secret of the bell, she went to the king and said,"Your majesty. I am sure there is no evil spirit in the village and the cause of all thetrouble lies somewhere else. If you grant me some money, I will get rid of it and bringhappiness to the village. The king who was also terrified of the hoax that prevailed inthe village, granted the request of the woman.
The woman bought as much peas, groundnuts and fruits with that money as shecould. She went into the forest, made a circle under a tree on the ground, placed all the eatables and hid herself at some distance. She kept a watch on the monkeys froma distance.
As and when the monkeys saw the eatables, they dropped the bell just as the oldwoman had expected of them. They ran to pick the eatables. The woman picked up thebell quickly and rushed towards the village. She gave the bell in the court of the king.The king was happy with the brave woman and everyone in the village admired herbravery.
The pleased king rewarded the woman for her bravery. Since that day there wasno sound of the bell in the village. People returned to their village and lived happilyever after.
Question : 45
Total: 200
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