It was M.S. Aney who moved the motion of Secret sitting session of the Assembly in the year 1942. Dr. Madhav Shrihari Aney popularly referred to as Loknayak Bapuji Aney/Bapuji Aney, was an ardent educationist, statesman, freedom fighter, a modern Sanskrit poet and a politician. He was even designated with the title of ‘Loknayak Bapuji’, which means ‘The People's Leader and Respected Father’. He was one among the founder of the Congress Nationalist Party. He never permitted his critical faculties to be blurred by the emotion. Mahatma Gandhi admiring his calm logic, confined in him and often sought his counsel. He was selected to arbitrate the disputes between Subhash Chandra Bose and Jatindra Mohan Sengupta. He was never a breaker or a destroyer but was always a cementing factor believing in synthesis and not in segregation.