From electromagnetic radiation to revolution of the earth, everything is responsible for bringing dynamic changes on the surface of the earth. For example: Electromagnetic radiation brings changes in the field of microwaves, wavelengths of radio, UV rays, infra red rays, X rays and gamma rays. Geothermal energy is the heat received from the earth’s core. This heat continuously flows outward. It transfers to the surrounding layers of rock, the mantle. When temperature and pressure becomes very high some mantle rocks melt becoming magma. It then either comes out as lava or heat up the nearby rocks and water which comes out as hot springs or geysers. Gravitational force is constantly working on all physical bodies. It is giving weights to objects with mass and causes them to fall to the ground when dropped. Plate movement is a dynamic change on the surface of the earth. It explains many aspects of the interrelationship of volcanoes, earthquakes, climate change, and the evolution of life itself. Everything about our planet is related either directly or indirectly to plate tectonic. Rotation causes day and night. Revolution causes seasons, change in the length of day and night.